Saturday, June 16, 2012

Emotional Appeal to Pets

I'm an animal lover, so when I saw this ad the other day, I instantly took a liking to it. It's a campaign done by Renaissance Creative for the Riverside Humane Society and what makes it so great is that it appeals to the emotional side of human beings without being sad. There are many advertisements for humane societies that tug on the heart strings by showing animals in horrible conditions and saying how you can save an animals life by adopting. They have a great message for sure, but it's not always fun to see those kinds of ads.

This campaign, however, states quips about animals, such as that a cat's brain is 99% similar to a man's brain, so it's natural that you should adopt. I love that the bottom of the advertisements say things like "Adopt a soulmate" and "Adopt a bodyguard"; it puts the animal on the same level as humans and doesn't aim to create pity in the potential adopter. By giving the animals humanistic traits, these advertisements are seeking to create more of a bond between human and animal instead of the typical ads that make a person feel as though they are saving an animal instead of gaining a companion.

1 comment:

  1. Dana, I volunteered for about 7 years at a local no-kill whose criteria are very similar to the Riverside Humane Society. After Googling them, I see that they've changed their name. A lot of shelters have gotten away from the generic "humane society" term because the Humane Society of the U.S. has an extremely high euthanasia rate and is not liked by agencies who work so hard to promote adoption. The shelter I used to volunteer for rescued my dog from "death row"at a local Humane Society...thank heavens.
