Saturday, June 2, 2012

Advertising in MKE: Part Four

With the upcoming recall election of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, it's hard not to notice the amount of advertising that surrounds it. Whether its radio ads or television commercials, there's no way to ignore or avoid it.

What I find most interesting, however, is the amount of people that have chosen to advertise their beliefs on their cars or in their lawns. There are a plethora of "Stand with Wisconsin" and "Recall Walker" bumper stickers and yard signs to be found in the city of Milwaukee and it says a lot about our culture. We are a society that feels both comfortable and fed up. Comfortable enough that we are able to express our ideas and fed up enough to do so. The majority of signs I have seen in the city are against Walker; there have been very few "I stand with Walker" sign sightings as far as I am aware.

Though it isn't necessarily an ad, by putting a bumper sticker on your car, you're letting everyone around you know what you believe. The idea that Scott Walker is bad is being marketed, and whether someone agrees or disagrees, they are a consumer of this information.


  1. Dana,

    I live in the Chicago area and someone I know was just over the border in southern Wisconsin last weekend. He said there were "I stand by Walker" signs everywhere. I don't want to get political, but just wanted to share an observation.


  2. Kim,

    I appreciate your input! I don't really get out of the city, so I mostly see anti-Walker signs, but it makes sense that the politics would be different in more rural areas as opposed to inner-city Milwaukee.

